Acer Palmatum 'Shishio/Chishio Improved'


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Stedman, NC
I'm posting this thread as not just a record for myself, but as an inspiration to others as well. This particular cultivar of Japanese Maple ('Shishio Improved') is quickly becoming my favorite. I was inspired to try my hand at creating a specimen for myself after drooling over Brian Van Fleet's post here: (
The following photos I've attached have been my mistakes, and experience in just 2-1/2 short months. I will update this thread over the coming years on this trees journey to a specimen. I welcome any advise or comments, and my thanks to those who have advised over previous posts. This will be my only thread for this tree in the future, and will update frequently.

I purchased this nursery stock from Brent @EvergreenGardenWorks in August of this year. Here is how it looked on arrival. (8/19/2021)
Shishio 8192021 (1).jpg

After a few short days in 90+ degree full sun, (my own dumb mistake) here is how it looked. (8/23/2021)
Shishio 08232021.jpg

Here it is on 10/4 leafless, and lifeless I thought.. and I had completely over looked the swelling buds. Little did I know it would bounce back stronger than ever in just a little while. (10/4/2021)
Shishio 10042021.jpg

And here it is today, just three weeks later. Beautiful new growth, and continues to show new growth every day. Although it may not be a surprise to some, it is to me, and I simply cannot stop looking at it. The new growth will not last long however as Winter approaches. (10/30/2021)
Shishio 10302021 (1).jpg
Shishio 10302021 (2).jpg
Shishio 10302021 (3).jpg
3/18/2022 Update:
All other maples I have are in full leaf action coming into spring. However, I am 100% convinced that this Shishio Improved has died. My only guess is that after it dropped it's leaves due to scorching, and the leaves grew back in November, the first drop below freezing killed it. My theory is that once the sap started rising from the roots, it was immediately stunted by cold weather.
The lower section of the trunk is mostly gray in color, and the bark is falling off. The roots look mostly dead, but as a desperate attempt to revive, I have trunk chopped and chopped most of the roots off and re-potted, although I believe it may be a lost cause..
Any advise from anyone would be great. Thanks!!
That's a shame. I also picked up a Shin Chishio after seeing Brian's (and because i couldn't get a Shin Deshojo anywhere reasonably) I got it from Mr. Maple, hate the graft but there are two decent branches so i may try and air layer one next year. I've been trying to take cuttings from new long growth but i keep failing them. The new growth looks lovely on them and i can't wait to see its first full spring season.

In my (limited) experience, the kind of damage is from root rot, too much love (watering) and not enough drainage kept the roots soaking wet instead of moist. Your soil looks good though so i think the drainage was fine. I've only had mine during this hot summer, but i've been watering it pretty much every morning, only skipping if i knew there would be rain later that day (and even then sometimes still watering just in case it didn't during a 95+. Mine's still in the potting soil Mr. Maple shipped it in. If it happened during the fall/winter months, that's my guess, roots were too soggy.
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