Acer palmatum Katsura (5 trunks from cutting)


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Normandy, France
hello, here's a project for long time, with 5 trunks of Katsura. Never grown Katsura before but it looks good.
I plan to let them grow so that the nebari will grow and fuse. I wish to have 70-80 cm high main trunk

acer palmatum katsura 2020 03 06 (1).JPG
acer palmatum katsura 2020 03 06 (2).JPG
acer palmatum katsura 2020 03 06 (3).JPG
acer palmatum katsura 2020 03 06 (4).JPG
acer palmatum katsura 2020 03 06 (5).JPG
acer palmatum katsura 2020 03 06 (6).JPG
acer palmatum katsura 2020 03 06 (7).JPG

In the green house to protect it from the wind (i live near to the beach in Normandy)
acer palmatum katsura 2020 03 06 (9).JPG

acer palmatum katsura 2020 03 09 (1).JPG

I will remove the wires in a few weeks to avoid scars as much as possible.
I water all my trees with PH6 water (corrected with acetic acid or phosphoric acid) because my water is normally 7.8 PH and i want to make my trees grow better.. better absorption of micro-nutriments with PH6)

The cuttings have been made by a very good professionnal : they have a lot of good roots as you can see.
thanks !
yes the leaves are nice, and there are short inter nodes. i'll do my best to make a good multirunk
Thanks. I had this wood box available, and the wood of this box is well protected to last very long.. For sure, the roots will grow easily in this pot.
I’m anxious to start a clump but I have to get the cuttings first. Katsura is one of my favorites
If your cuttings are not good in term of rooting (just 1 root for example) you can use the technic of a peace of wood (or plastic) with holes Inside : you put the cuttings in each hole, and with time they will make new roots & fuse together.
That's what i wanted to do, but the cuttings had their leaves, and small branches that i didn't want to cut. By chance the nebari of those cuttings is good ;)
Probably. But i also like to keep my young trees in the same large woodbox : i have the pleasure, when i take pics, to see the tree getting bigger as the woodbox is the same.
I will put a little "osmocote" (chemical long lasting fertilizer) on the soil surface as soon as i have pinched the branches well placed (exterior of the curves). I plan to let sacrifice branches grow and maybe clip & grow on the trunk (time will tell)
Give peace of wood a chance! ;)

Nice mispelling, but kidding aside I found this article from a now defunct bonsai magazine, mostly articles translated from Japanese. The cost of copyrights and translation was too high for such a magazine to survive at a time when there weren't so many bonsai enthusiasts in French-speaking Europe.

Nov-Dec. 1991, 3rd part of an article by Hatsugi Kato, Gantsuke Hamano et Yamasaki Kamae. It's in french, but the pictures are self-explanatory I think :







NB: "Jamais" means "Never" : never break the tile with a hammer, cut the roots underneath the tile. And : "WARNING: we won't remove the tile if the roots aren't properly fused".



Just ask me if you're interested in having more info on the text.
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Hi, i worked on the nebari 2 weeks ago because some roots were growing on the soil surface, so i wanted to check the nebari.

The roots on the soil surface (there is a layer of 5cm akadama on the nebari) ->
acer palmatum katsura 2020 09 17 002.JPG

After removing the soil surface, there are a lot of roots growing upside (not good for the nebari) ->
acer palmatum katsura 2020 09 17 003.JPG

After cutting a few roots growing up, the nebari appears ->
acer palmatum katsura 2020 09 17 004.JPG
acer palmatum katsura 2020 09 17 005.JPG

A root growing up, before i cut it ->
acer palmatum katsura 2020 09 17 006.JPG

I removed also the soil on the back of the tree ( a lot of roots grwoing upside) ->
acer palmatum katsura 2020 09 17 008.JPG

The white arrow shows the little scar after removing a wire (anchor wire) ->
acer palmatum katsura 2020 09 17 009.JPG

The next pics show the nebari after the work ->
acer palmatum katsura 2020 09 17 010.JPG
In the end of october, i removed the soil again, to check how the roots have grown.

acer palmatum katsura 2020 10 28 001.JPG

New fine roots have grown ->
acer palmatum katsura 2020 10 28 003.JPG

After the cut of misplaced roots ->
acer palmatum katsura 2020 10 28 004.JPG

The virtual of the futur. The blue trunkline is the new trunk i plan to add this spring & the yellow trunk will probably be the main trunk, because with the best nebari (placed on the front)->
acer palmatum katsura 2020 10 28 005virt.jpg
hello, i added 1 cutting to this forest, in oreder to have 5 trunks (better than 4 for assymetry)

acer palmatum katsura 2021 02 22 001.JPG

acer palmatum katsura 2021 02 22 002.JPG

the wire fixed on the wooden plate to maintain the cutting in position ->
acer palmatum katsura 2021 02 22 003.JPG

The cutting is in position ->
acer palmatum katsura 2021 02 22 004.JPG
acer palmatum katsura 2021 02 22 006.JPG

I plan to cut like this later (clip & grow) ->
acer palmatum katsura 2021 02 22 006virt.jpg

A few days later, i'm happy to see that the cutting is growing ->
acer palmatum katsura 2021 03 02 001.JPG


  • acer palmatum katsura 2021 02 22 003.JPG
    acer palmatum katsura 2021 02 22 003.JPG
    470.2 KB · Views: 24
I worked on the nebari again, i enjoy to do it in the end of August because the roots grow in September.. so i can imporve the nebari after a season growth.

Back nebari before ->
acer palmatum katsura 2021 08 25 002.JPG

Back nebari after ->
acer palmatum katsura 2021 08 25 003.JPG

Front nebari before ->
acer palmatum katsura 2021 08 25 004.JPG

Front nebari after (i removed the roots on the left, that strangled the little left trunk) ->
acer palmatum katsura 2021 08 25 006.JPG

As usual, i made some virtuals in order to know which trunk i should let grow, and wich one i should trim to limitate the growth ->

The second tree from the right is the biggest one ->
acer palmatum katsura 2021 08 26 001virt2.jpg

The third tree from the right is the main tree (my favorite project) ->
acer palmatum katsura 2021 08 26 001virt3.jpg

this way, i know which tree i should let grow, and which ones i should pinch to limitate their growth.
Your maple projects are incredible. Such progress in such a short amount of time.

Following along.
thank you, i'm very happy with the growth of my JM cuttings. They are produced by a good professional and so, they often have a lot of roots. So they make good nebari when they grow... If you have a cutting with just 1 root, as you can imagine, it will be more difficult to have a good nebari.
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