Hey guys so once again helping my parents out at the house they recently bought and they have this large acer palmatum dissectum probably 4ft tall and 5-6ft wide with the straightest most boring trunk that’s probably 5 inches in diameter. There’s a strange connection between the trunk and the first branches that I’m guessing could be a graft. I’ll assume the tree was planted about 15-20 years ago when the house was built along with the 30boxwoods. Anyway they hate this poor laceleaf and want it gone this winter. Are there any options on air layering this? How big of a branch could I try it on? Could I air layer the entire trunk just below the first branches? If I were to get some layers off the top could I trunk chop this beast and dig it up? Just hate seeing plants die and would like to save as much as I can. Am I crazy? Well I guess I’ll just sit back and hope for you experiences fellas to chime in.