Acer Palmatum ‘Butterfly’


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Essex, UK
Here’s a bit of material. Been growing in my mums garden for a few years, she is moving in a few days so had to be dug up now, so was worth the risk.
Was planted in a difficult spot so, less root than I’d like but we will see!

It’s a variegated variety, Butterfly.
I plan to reduce it down tomorrow, not necessarily final cuts and styled, simply to reduce foliage mass to give the roots a chance. It has plenty of hardened foliage so hopefully keep that to help fuel root growth (hardened/lignified foliage has a reduced moisture loss and this less need for hydration from roots).

So, survive or not? What do you think?

I have a good feeling about it’s trunk, options, movement, good size, so I’d like to have it live. May even give it the bag treatment (bag over it all, keeps humidity high to help hydrate the tree whilst it’s roots aren’t strong enough to do it fully, help reduce dieback). Happy to take suggestions for aftercare.
i dug up up a hornbeam about a week ago and re planted it in another spot in the allotment, its currently doing fine. as long as you got enough root it will be ok. worst case scenario and you didnt get enough roots, some leaves will wilt but the tree should bounce back in my experience. also, as the sun has left us it wont get burnt while its recovering.

people will advise not to repot or transplant trees while in leaf. but if you know what youre doing it can be done without much issues.
Doesn't seem grafted to my eyes. That's a rarity.

I'm no expert, but if it were me I'd reduce the top quite a bit. Not a lot of roots to support it. Then place in humid, dappled morning-only sun for a month or so.
I’ve not looked too intently, as it’s not important if not obvious but you are right, either it’s not grafted or it’s very hard to see the mark.

Well it’s in the ground now but we won’t be getting any proper sun for at least a week. It’ll be raining and humid for a number of days. Should be ok. I’ll be reducing it tomorrow in any case, for it’s aftercare and it’s future styling.
Thanks, dappled sun is basically 90% of Uk weather lol

i dug up up a hornbeam about a week ago and re planted it in another spot in the allotment, its currently doing fine. as long as you got enough root it will be ok. worst case scenario and you didnt get enough roots, some leaves will wilt but the tree should bounce back in my experience. also, as the sun has left us it wont get burnt while its recovering.

people will advise not to repot or transplant trees while in leaf. but if you know what youre doing it can be done without much issues.
Yeh, you just know maples are more sensitive + it’s variegated and so they are usually weaker but this has a lot of positives so I think it’ll be ok. It’ll be experienced gained, either way!
I’ve not looked too intently, as it’s not important if not obvious but you are right, either it’s not grafted or it’s very hard to see the mark.

Well it’s in the ground now but we won’t be getting any proper sun for at least a week. It’ll be raining and humid for a number of days. Should be ok. I’ll be reducing it tomorrow in any case, for it’s aftercare and it’s future styling.
Thanks, dappled sun is basically 90% of Uk weather lol

Yeh, you just know maples are more sensitive + it’s variegated and so they are usually weaker but this has a lot of positives so I think it’ll be ok. It’ll be experienced gained, either way!

sure. i repotted a little princess a few weeks ago while it was in leaf too. took a while to get going and a few tips died off but nothing to overly concern me. the same might happen to yours because the root ball wasnt very big. dont be alarmed if you do get a little die back.
sure. i repotted a little princess a few weeks ago while it was in leaf too. took a while to get going and a few tips died off but nothing to overly concern me. the same might happen to yours because the root ball wasnt very big. dont be alarmed if you do get a little die back.
Yep I’m expecting it so I’m prepared.. emotionally lol.
I’ll cut back roughly to allow plenty of room for dieback, and so it wouldn’t affect any bits I’m keeping.

No rush with this tree so even if I reduce now and let it simply survive till next year without styling, that’s fine. But I think a month should be enough, then we will still have a month of growing till September then it’ll all shut down.
Thanks for the post. Well, put on new growth even, which was surprising.. I always expect the worst from Acer Ps, of all kinds. Some dieback in expected places, but no problems. This will mostly all be pruned back and the tree will have its trunk line setup so it can start its development. So yeh, overall the tree did great to be honest, very healthy and strong.

This year I fell off the Bonsai Wagon but I've a day planned during the Christmas break to spend the whole day in my, now, heated curtained gazebo and do some proper tree work. Make a load of mistakes cos I've forgotten everything about Bonsai in a year of no action... ! Will be fun.

Will update with a pic at some point.
And that point was now, apparently.

The red colouration seems like dieback but far as I can tell, the buds are all healthy and the branches above are fine.
Either way, will all be cut back anyway.

Plenty of small buds all over and down the bottom.of the trunk too. So it responded well to the transplant and cut back.PXL_20211218_124710359.jpgPXL_20211218_124713959.jpgPXL_20211218_124741769.jpg
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