Just keeping this good info together.
So, after hearing about my recent work with a stone pine, someone thought "let's give him a real challenge," actually it was more like, "This tree looks like it could make a good starter," and they gave me a christmas decoration stone pine. The catch is, it was frosted and all the needles but two small branches are dead. Good news is, it's root are nearly intact (apart from a little issues with constriction killing some at the very bottom of the pot). I performed a very light root pruning, and removed the dead wood (~90 percent of Branches/Trunk/Foliage, I all but stumped it). Tree is in a dormant stage, as it is Winter where i'm at (Near Tulsa, OK, USDA zone 7B North America.) I may try to get pics of it. It's a mess now. I'm looking for any tips I can get on this. My experience is with heathy trees, not the two Stone Pines i got thrusted on me (Although, the tree with the bad root rot is growing very well now (
THREAD). It's in 60-40 Diatomaceous Earth-Cactus Blend(I have succulents) fast drain soil. Same with this new tree. If it helps, the tree is very young, I know on some pines that makes a difference. Stone pines are prone to damage, so it would make sense for them to be resilient. Bottom line is, is there any hope? I hope so, it's looking good for a deadwood tree (looking at jin, shari and sabamiki) project if it survives.
Bubbles! Lol