All, I've used CL the past couple months to get some of my favorite pieces. I posted in the "free" forum and offered to help folks get rid of shrubs, hedges, weeds. It works really well! I get about 20-30 replies every time I post (have waited 3 weeks or so between postings), and I'd say 1/3 of replies have desirable material. All this is to say: I thought I'd share my text/script in case any of you want to try it in your own communities. I also find that random generic pictures of shrubs, etc help. Enjoy!
Got old hedges? Overgrown bushes or vines? I'll dig them up for free!
Post body:
Looking for all kinds of woody plants: hedges, bushes, shrubs, old vines, smaller trees, even woody weeds like dogwoods that you've cut back year after year but can't seem to kill. If you have anything like this you want out of your yard, please let me know!
I make bonsai trees as a hobby and I like to use old landscape material as a starting point. If you have something that you want gone and you think might fit the bill, let me know! I'll come check it out and if all goes right I'm happy to dig it up for you free of charge. I have all my own tools (shovels, sheers, pruners, chainsaw, hand saws, safety equipment, etc.)
I'm interested in most anything, but in particular: Privet, Yew, Boxwood, Azalea, Maple, Hawthorn, Hornbeam, Juniper, Grape vines, Dogwood, Apple, Wisteria, Sweet Gum, Honeysuckle, etc.
Feel free to shoot me and email with any questions or opportunities and thanks!
Got old hedges? Overgrown bushes or vines? I'll dig them up for free!
Post body:
Looking for all kinds of woody plants: hedges, bushes, shrubs, old vines, smaller trees, even woody weeds like dogwoods that you've cut back year after year but can't seem to kill. If you have anything like this you want out of your yard, please let me know!
I make bonsai trees as a hobby and I like to use old landscape material as a starting point. If you have something that you want gone and you think might fit the bill, let me know! I'll come check it out and if all goes right I'm happy to dig it up for you free of charge. I have all my own tools (shovels, sheers, pruners, chainsaw, hand saws, safety equipment, etc.)
I'm interested in most anything, but in particular: Privet, Yew, Boxwood, Azalea, Maple, Hawthorn, Hornbeam, Juniper, Grape vines, Dogwood, Apple, Wisteria, Sweet Gum, Honeysuckle, etc.
Feel free to shoot me and email with any questions or opportunities and thanks!