I picked up 3 boxwoods from a nursery a couple of weeks back. They'd been left exposed to the elements on top of a hill out in a field for god knows how long and had suffered some severe die back and yellowing of foliage. They weren't priced and were sitting next to some healthy looking boxes going through the cloud pruning process with crazy price tags. Spoke to the manager and managed to pick them up for £25 each after haggling him down. He said they'd been sat in these pots for at least 8 years.
Took em home and put them in some shade. Decided now was as good a time as any to make a start on repotting at least one. Pulled it out of its pot and it was just roots, literally no soil.I cut the rootball back by 1/2 first just bottom but after trying to comb out the roots and i couldnt I cut the sides back too and then pruned the top back hard. Scraped all the crap off of the top and left it to soak overnight.
I'm posting from my phone so only have pictures from today but I can post a before picture tomorrow from my pc if it'll help. Anyways my question is, what the hell do I do now? It needs to go into a pot tomorrow but I'm not sure if I can leave the roots as they are or if I need to try and rake them out or something. I've not dug out anymore of the trunk as the visible base is quite nice and I've cut a lot of roots off already. Pics below
Took em home and put them in some shade. Decided now was as good a time as any to make a start on repotting at least one. Pulled it out of its pot and it was just roots, literally no soil.I cut the rootball back by 1/2 first just bottom but after trying to comb out the roots and i couldnt I cut the sides back too and then pruned the top back hard. Scraped all the crap off of the top and left it to soak overnight.
I'm posting from my phone so only have pictures from today but I can post a before picture tomorrow from my pc if it'll help. Anyways my question is, what the hell do I do now? It needs to go into a pot tomorrow but I'm not sure if I can leave the roots as they are or if I need to try and rake them out or something. I've not dug out anymore of the trunk as the visible base is quite nice and I've cut a lot of roots off already. Pics below