#82 - Vachellia Erioloba (Camel Thorn)


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Central NJ
Started (3) of these Camel Thorns from seed this year sent by @RyanSA. Had these two trees growing a small growing container through summer. They seemed to be growing strong so I decided to repot them to give them the entire indoor season to recover and grow strong again. The pot is one sent to me by @sorce. I'd like to keep this tree as compact and small as possible for the time being. These seem to grow slow, so I don't think that will be a problem. I have not pruned this tree or done anything else to it other than repot it so far.

Germination of the seedlings:

Growth at repot:

After raking out the roots. The bigger, left tree had some seriously twisted roots so I root pruned and replanted it back in the growing container. The smaller tree had roots which I was able to maneuver into a radial position and hold down in the pot with wire so I planted the smaller tree in the pot. I wanted to plant both as a twin tree planting, but I will have to wait for better root structure on the larger tree to form. These roots smell horrible, which is similar to what I've heard about serissas.

Final repotting:
Im going to leave it for now. Its not stable in pot to wire, and Im not sure about how it will react. I may try wire on one of my others before this one. I havent done much research into care or anything with the species. I know they like dry soils so... gonna take it as it goes.
Any update on the Camel Thorns? I have a bunch of seeds just popping out the soil and interested to see how yours are doing?
One of them died, but I have one still going. Will take a picture later.
Hi, I just started two Vachellia erioloba seeds. This is my first attempt at a Bonsai from seed. How are ours going? Noob question, do you place them outside from the start? I live in a cold climate
Not cold tolerant. I treat like a tropical. Outside in mid-late spring and inside early mid fall under grow lights. Do not like root work.
Not cold tolerant. I treat like a tropical. Outside in mid-late spring and inside early mid fall under grow lights. Do not like root work.
I was just about to post that mine died immediately after a repot and light root work, but I checked real quick and there's a whole new green shoot coming out. It's been 6 weeks, maybe 3 since I last watered it.

So... yes they don't like root work, but also make sure it's not just dormant afterwards?
When have you done root work? I havent repotted in several years. Trying to limit the at. I think in nature they grow a single long tap root.. getting a typical or standard nebari probably is difficult.
I left it alone for about 1.5 years after purchase, then repotted late June leaving most of the roots alone. I'm kinda in ficus mode this summer, so I assumed I repotted out of season.
Looks nice!

I was fortunate to get a hold of few seeds, but I've been too scared to plant them yet.

What king of soil do you use and did you do any preparations to the seeds?
Looks nice!

I was fortunate to get a hold of few seeds, but I've been too scared to plant them yet.

What king of soil do you use and did you do any preparations to the seeds?
Assuming acacias are similar, I soaked my seeds for a day, filed or clipped off the end (you'll see what I mean if you look on youtube), then put them in succulent soil. They sprout quickly, so I feel like the soil isn't super important.
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