Keen to get my tree in for the challenge.
Details of tree:
Native to Africa (large parts of South Africa and local to me) as well as some other countries including Asia and parts of Europe
Our Climate - warm and dry
summer ranging from 28-45 Celsius - Oct - April
winter ranging from 3-15 Celsius - May - July ( the very cold season is really very short. also no snow)
spring and autumn about non existent - goes from cold to hot in a day or 2 and other way around
I'm is a summer rainfall area
This specific tree: Won in a club draw around Oct 2020.
was a bare stump with 1 new shoot at the top - I don't have any pictures from then
Work done by me: wired some new shoots 2 or 3 times
basic pruning back to 2 leaves when new shoots get to about 10 cm
no branch selection yet - just kind of wiring new shoots as they come
We are going into winter now, so very little will be done in the next 2-3 months, just basic maintenance pruning.
Planning to repot (still in a training pot) in August using a newly formulated bonsai growing medium developed by our club.
pictures to follow
Details of tree:
Native to Africa (large parts of South Africa and local to me) as well as some other countries including Asia and parts of Europe
Our Climate - warm and dry
summer ranging from 28-45 Celsius - Oct - April
winter ranging from 3-15 Celsius - May - July ( the very cold season is really very short. also no snow)
spring and autumn about non existent - goes from cold to hot in a day or 2 and other way around
I'm is a summer rainfall area
This specific tree: Won in a club draw around Oct 2020.
was a bare stump with 1 new shoot at the top - I don't have any pictures from then
Work done by me: wired some new shoots 2 or 3 times
basic pruning back to 2 leaves when new shoots get to about 10 cm
no branch selection yet - just kind of wiring new shoots as they come
We are going into winter now, so very little will be done in the next 2-3 months, just basic maintenance pruning.
Planning to repot (still in a training pot) in August using a newly formulated bonsai growing medium developed by our club.
pictures to follow