4 new trees, your opinions please


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Beirut Lebanon
Got 4 new trees, well actually 2 and two i will be booking today i hope
Pine (Started separate thread for issues on this one )
No taper on this one i agree and ugly top. But I always wanted an olive with nice bark and a broom style on top (agree it'll need to be reduced a lot on top) and to be placed in a much smaller pot)

Querqus ilex
Loving the base and taper on this one but not the top. Will research to see if they'll backbud to get lower branches and also to see how to minimize the top which is big. Owner warned against a smaller pot and I'm not sure of roots size so well see in repot. Apparently they don't like much root work and its been moved to bonsai pot this year so guess I'll let it settle for a year or two before moving to bonsai soil and a smaller pot. Appreciate any advice on styling repiting and root work on this one.

This maple, acer palmate? Was in a plastic pot and they slip posted for me in a bonsai pot. I'm hoping I'll be able to reduce the leaves size, should be a nice red as owner said..Screenshot_20201128-084458_Gallery.jpg
The last one is a liquidamber. Buds are alternate in liquidamber and opposite in acer. Liquidamber are probably hardier than many maples but do not ramify as well. Good autumn colour as well.

The olive has a good trunk and branches but looks like it has been let grow too much so the branches have long, straight sections. Olives are so good at budding so that is not much of an issue. Cut back quite hard all over and work with new shoots.

It has been a long time since I had Quercus ilex so I can't offer advice but the trunk does look nice
Tha js for the ID on the maple, will repot in next spring before buds push and guess will need to grow and style branches before I worry about ramification. Indeed had amazing color.on the leaves yet.most fell down as they slip potted it.

Olive I plan to cut down to 1 secondary branch per each of the main branches , as well as reduce those heavily, and repot in early summer. Will work to form a new top with whatever bqckbudding I get.

Quercus I know nothing about. Might take down one of the 2 branches at the main bifurcation and work with a single trunk as the two seem to be a bit to heavy for the base, or.maybe keep both and develop into a broom. We get a lot of those in nature here so will check them up for inspiration yet need to know about rootwork, backbudding before I worry about styling.
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