We're rounding the corner of the end of the growing season in my neck of the woods, so I figured I'd get my seeds for next year stratified early. So far I'm trying
Pond cypress
More bald Cypress
Trident maple
Japanese larch
Eastern larch
Costal redwood
Some crab apple I started late\early
Maybe some giant Sequoia
And some rose hips just for fun
That's all at the moment
Anyone else already prepping next year's seeds?
What the rest of ya planning on growing?
Pond cypress
More bald Cypress
Trident maple
Japanese larch
Eastern larch
Costal redwood
Some crab apple I started late\early
Maybe some giant Sequoia
And some rose hips just for fun
That's all at the moment
Anyone else already prepping next year's seeds?
What the rest of ya planning on growing?