
  1. Ja_De

    Would it work as intended?

    I have 10 or 12 small Eastern Red Cedar trees in the early stages of development as bonsai. Four are in containers approximately single quart size, the trees four to five inches in height. The attached picture of a single tree is of one being trained ROR style. The others are in a shoe box sized...
  2. S

    Wind Protection - Apartment Balcony

    Just moved to a 15th floor apartment with an east facing balcony in New York. Would love to add some trees (have my eyes set on a maple) but I am concerned about wind damage and proper wintering. I have been reading these forums for solutions but it looks like most people with similar questions...
  3. Daniel_UK

    Wind - Impact on Trunk

    I have noticed that there is a huge difference between the stalks of fuchsia that grow in windy locations and in non-windy locations. The fuchsia that have spent the last 2 weeks outside on my high-up windy balcony (image on the right) have hardened up, turned brown, and is spending more of its...
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