tree health

  1. W

    White spots appearing on my new trees leaves

    What could be causing these white spots on my barbdaos cherry leaves?
  2. Desert O'Piñon

    Determining health before collection

    I'm sure there is plenty of information available, but maybe I don't know how to find it. Or maybe the answers are so obvious that people assume they don't need to be mentioned. But I've been known to greatly overthink things, so I'll ask anyway. What are some indicators that a tree may not be...
  3. jesse3489

    American hornbeam health?

    Hello, I've only been in the hobby for about a year and a half and recently acquired a nice american hornbeam that had been collected around 15 years ago. When I got the tree I had been told that the tree had been in the nursery container for around 15 years. When I received the tree the leafs...
  4. Barbells and bonsai

    Possibly dead BC

    Hello, hoping for some advice or even just a diagnosis. I collected two Bald Cypress trees this season. The first tree seems to be doing okay but the larger one I am worried about. It was recommended to me that I not water every day since this can cause root rot. I tried this tactic but the...
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