taxus baccata

  1. TwilightTrees

    Taxus baccata yamadori timing

    I have a big Taxus baccata in my parents garden. It is very bushy wide and around 2 meter high and with a trunk width approx a feet. My parents might sell their house within a year, but im promised i can dig up the yew before. Is a bit emotional, since the bush was my childhood hide out. Now i...
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  4. Rivian

    Big Taxus

    This yew was dug from a hedge in May 2020. There were 3 others but I did not have the option of taking care of them and they perished in a field. It was originally growing in clay, then when I got it it went into the ground in my garden. I put black flower soil around the root(stump)s. As you...
  5. Kadebe

    Kadebe's Taxus Baccata

    In October I planted 10 yew baccata. With all of them a tourniquet has been applied Will follow up this thread
  6. Taxus


    First steps
  7. Taxus


  8. Taxus


  9. Taxus


    In the sun
  10. jd_bonsai

    Reliable seed source in USA?

    Does anyone have any suggestions on where to buy seeds online? In particular looking for Japanese Black Pine, Japanese White Pine and English Yew. Also seeking some reliable sources for seedlings (1-2 years old) of those species. Thanks
  11. Sn0W

    Can I save a yellow Taxus Baccata?

    So today in a spur of the moment I purchased an English Yew from a garden centre that was 80% off, it's huge and something about it made me fall in love so without really thinking about it I purchased it and ran home. Now the tree is about 5 - 6ft but it's a yellowy colour all over. I know this...
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