
  1. SmallTreeGuy

    Help styling Juniper with beautiful trunk

    Hello everyone! I’m in Texas, zone 8a. I’ve had this Parson’s juniper for about 2 years I I’ve let it recover for a couple of growing seasons, as I had given it a few pretty good insults since I bought it from nursery stock. (ie. changing potting angle, working roots and getting the king whips...
  2. Apex37

    Species that Respond Well to Styling and Repotting

    So I’m getting prepared early planning out my spring repots, soil, supplies I need to buy, etc. It got me thinking more about trees that respond well to pruning/styling and repotting the same time. This works better for some species than others, but I’d love to hear peoples experiences with...
  3. Lawrencek

    What would you do to this Chinese elm to make it better?

    So we've had this indoor Chinese elm young bonsai now for about 2ish years (idk the actual age of it I think it's like 7 years old) and repotted it about 4/5 months ago for first time. I like it but would like it to be more 'impressive' I don't want to necessarily make it bigger but I really...
  4. S

    Time to start styling shimpaku

    Here's a couple of shimpaku I've been growing for some years to thicken the trunks. The trunks were wired then bent and twisted when still thin and flexible to get wild looking trunks. I've up potted a few times to allow for growth and allowed selected sacrifice branches to grow really strong...
  5. brennobonsai

    Citrus mame bonsai development thread.

    I decided to start my first bonsai development progress thread. It's going to be a mame probably. I got the seedling as a gift from my grandmother and decided to wire it up to see if it turned into something good. Here are some pictures from less than a week when I planted it in a plastic pot...
  6. brennobonsai

    I want to make a drastic cut on my barbados cherry

    I've had this plant for over 2 years, it comes from an air layer of a tree that is about 10 years old here at home. At the time I didn't know anything about bonsai and I ended up making a cut that made me lose part of the bark. I've been trying to make a good design on this plant but it's been...
  7. pstaboche

    Juniperus squamata styling advice

    New to bonsai and nervous about removing large branches. The first picture shows the slight S bend I'd like to use as the front but there's a branch (1) near the top that may detract from the trunk line. My bigger problem is the lower branches. I can't decide which ones to keep! Second picture...
  8. Yo Mango

    Stick with round pot or not?

    I’m looking to repot this tree here soon. Any opinions on what shape pot to go with? Should I stick to round, or go with something else?
  9. Oceanman113

    Style Suggestions on this huge Yew

    I found this Yew tree being discarded by a landscaper. I’ve had it potted for 2 months and it’s doing well, new growth. I took it to experiment and practice drastic bending on, but I’m still a rookie and was curious if anyone had any advice on styles that could work for this Yew. I know it’s...
  10. MaineBonsaiEnthusiast

    Pinus Sylvestris Nursery Stock

    Hey everyone, I picked up this giant Sylvestris at my local nursery for a steal a month or so ago. I couldn't pass it up with a trunk that size. I'm super happy with how vigorous it is, but I need some advice. Once the needles harden off I need to do some significant branch reduction. Where the...
  11. BonsaiBay

    Styling Advise on an Unknown Collected Juniper

    First, yes, I know that the foliage isn't good. Please ignore the color for now. I haven't decided what I am going to do about that yet. I collected this Juniper a couple years ago now and have yet to figure out what to do with it. That probably tells me everything I need to know but I'm not...
  12. Z

    Any ideas for pruning this nursery pine?

    I got rid of a few unsightly branches and now im stumped with what to do with it... im not going for an "instant bonsai" but i have little experience with pines and need some kind of idea. Don't plan to repot for a while.. Any tips will help
  13. BeebsBonsai

    Basic Bonsai Styling Principles: Where do they come from?

    Hello all, I have been thinking a lot about a topic lately, the basic tenets of bonsai styling. All of the things we have heard as rules that are only to be broken in special circumstances. What I have been wrestling with is why these specific guidelines? And, I think I have an idea for a...
  14. ColinFraser


  15. Creeping Juniper (Raft Style)

    Creeping Juniper (Raft Style)

    Bonsai Artist: Mr. John Naka Species: Juniperus horizontalis Exhibited At: Pacific Rim Bonsai Collection This raft style juniper is over 40 years old, and has been a bonsai for 33 years. The photograph was taken in late afternoon on a bright fall day. The construction of the displays at...
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