slow growth

  1. LeftHandLuke

    European Hornbeam Stalled

    My first time with a hornbeam but I found them interesting because of their legendary vigor. I picked up this nice pre-bonsai from a guy back in the early spring (this year) and it did precisely one thing: leafed out (as you can see), but nothing else. Meanwhile my other trees have been like...
  2. Ujjawal Roy

    Help! New unfurled leaves on F. Religiosa aren't growing to their full size.

    Hi everyone! I've been trying to pursue the art of bonsai growing for a few years now. I was studying away from home and thus couldn't concentrate much on them. Now that I'm back home I'm trying to learn proper watering, sunlight, fertilizing and bonsai soil mixes. Lately my trees have been...
  3. W

    Ficus religiosa cutting not growing...

    Hi All, I rooted and potted up this F religiosa cutting about two months ago, and started wiring it about a month ago. Although these trees grow really quickly (and my stock plant does this), I haven’t had any new leaves on this particular plant in a month even though it’s sending out tons of...
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