sierra juniper

  1. delta6

    ISO Large RMJ and/or Sierra

    I'm looking for a large RMJ or Sierra Juniper. Hit me up. Dai size or bigger is preferable. Many thanks! * I'm located in SoCal.
  2. M

    Yamadori Collection

    Hello - I am wanting to collect from more mountainous regions. I have collected and had a successful rate thus far. My question is related to collecting from rock pockets. What are the best ways to do so? It appears as if you would need a pry bar and small hand tools to remove. When do you know...
  3. M

    Sierra juniper yamadori questions: pumice size, hormone/fertilizer, etc

    I am collecting Sierra Juniper at 8k+ feet (and coming back to Oakland, Bay Area) and have some questions I've been unable to find specific answers for despite looking in Nick Lenz's book, forums on this site, youtube, etc. Lenz's book speaks on the differences between ground, field, and rocky...
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