
  1. A

    How do I tell when the seasons change? Especially the difference between Early/late periods.

    How do you tell when the seasons change? People are always saying "do X in X season" but I am struggling to really learn when they happen. For example I have read to bend junipers you do that in Fall. When in fall? I have heard early fall, and late fall. Ok, when are these? Is early fall...
  2. LeftHandLuke

    It's still July, after all...

    Anyone in the northern hemisphere recently face a decision of any sort (based around the growing season) as to whether you might take a risk to achieve some desired result? I mean, it's still July, right? Nip that branch back and it'll still sprout some new options before end of season! Or...
  3. Andrew R.

    Chinese Elm changing leaves

    Hello- I am wondering if this Chinese Elm is just losing its leaves because it is fall here in Chicago and has been a bit chilly recently, though the tree has been indoors. Or, is there something seriously wrong with it? The yellowing started a few days ago, maybe a week. The tree has always...
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