
  1. Big Country Bonsai

    Escarpment live oak #2 (Quercus fusiformis)

    I’ve read that oaks tend to shoot it long tap roots with very few lateral roots near the base. Luckily for me the Buckley oaks, Blackjack oaks and the two live oaks I have collected have had quite a bit of feeder roots. This one has lots of potential. It’ll take years to get it into a bonsai...
  2. Big Country Bonsai

    Advice on where to chop newly collected oaks

    Hey guys, new to bonsai and I could really use some advice on where to cut my trees to give them the greatest chance to become a bonsai at some point. I read that oaks can be collected in late summer so hopefully I’m not completely wrong. Any general advice is appreciated. I believe this is a...
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