His most recent blog post is in line with my experience this past year using either 100% or 75%+ pumice, though I have boxwoods and junipers instead of maples. Granted, like him I also live in the PNW and am fortunate to have such a great growing climate and access to dirt cheap pumice.
Hello to all the bonsai nuts out there!! I am very interested in mixing my own bonsai soil blend. Looking through the usual suspects for options (home depot, amazon etc) , it seems like smaller pumice (bulk <3/8") is on the more expensive side. Has anyone ever found an economical source for...
Hey all,
So, a month and a half ago, I was given the opportunity from a friend in the construction business to collect some trees from an area that was being closed off and cleared, next to a neighborhood in South Dallas. He knows I like to collect trees and practice bonsai, so he told me that...
Had this little guy in safeTsorb, fine akadama, sand, cocopeat, and a small drainage layer of pumice in a 5 inch diameter plastic pot. It was nowhere near as vigorous as my other 3 bucidas, so it's repotting time. Thumbs down for safeTsorb and high akadama % mixes for South Florida 👎
Raked the...
I'm looking to buy some pumice locally for relatively cheap. I live between San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbra, California, and have had no luck at local nurseries, stores (like Home Depot, Lowes, and Farm Supply), or bulk garden/stone suppliers.
The cheapest pumice I have found is "E.B.Stone...
I am in the market for a big bag (1000L) of pumice but I dont know what type is best
I also dont know if azalea roots can penetrate pumice like Kanuma, in which case I could pick the larger grain. I would guess they can not. I think most other species can, though?
There is washed and unwashed...
I am collecting Sierra Juniper at 8k+ feet (and coming back to Oakland, Bay Area) and have some questions I've been unable to find specific answers for despite looking in Nick Lenz's book, forums on this site, youtube, etc.
Lenz's book speaks on the differences between ground, field, and rocky...
I'm looking for the best place to source the best/cheapest small grain akadama, black lava, and pumice. I'd like to buy it in like 50lb or so bags. Where do you guys get it like that? There's loads of online bonsai supply places selling it, but it's in small quantities, and cost way too much...
Tried to find this topic, but couldn’t find an answer. If this has been discussed (which I bet it has) then I apologize.
Where do you guys buy your soil components?
At first I bought those expensive “bonsai soil” packs, but the more trees I get or make the more I look for cheaper options. I‘ve...
As it is almost impossible to buy pumice in Brazil, my question is:
Can Pumice be switched by Perlite in a bonsai mix?
Regardless of color and lightness of the Perlite, of course.
So I just got two mugo pines from free Craigslist (like 5 mins ago). I know it’s the wrong time of year to be doing anything in the way of collecting/planting/potting, but the guy wanted them gone ASAP. It also happens to be 100 degrees in Michigan today (great lol).
My question is, to keep...
Dear people!
Since I've yet to encounter complete information on all kinds of bonsai soils, I've decided to make a datasheet with as much information about soils as possible. It's a bit of a mess for now, but if you would like to contribute; please send me an email!
For now, you can place...
Here is the first resource developed from the thread "Introductory Soil Physics". It is a reference sheet defining common inorganic soil types used in bonsai. It expands on the selection discussed in the thread. It is not a recommendation of what one should use in their garden, rather a...
I finally found some time to head to the gravel yard a couple hours away and get a have a yard of lava cinders and a half of yard of pumice. I combine this with diatomaceous earth (Napa oil dry) and some potting soil/ compost/bark mulch and it works good for 100"+ of rain a year.
I still have...