Cut this air-layer from the mother tree 9/6/2019
I’ll keep adding progress shots here as the tree develops.
Yesterday I was able to do my first carving on a tree. Over time, should weather/age well as a hollow.
She is a pink pixie bonsai tree that is only 2 years old. She has not blossomed yet, but has been very healthy and full until last week. She has always been an indoor tree, but sits near windows. We moved at the end of July and she took to the move well. I prune her about every month. About 2...
While Houston was flooding today, we were touring garden centers. Unfortunately most nurseries were closed but the Lowe’s wasn’t.
While I was walking around disappointed that I couldn’t find a small ficus to fiddle with, the hubs goes and finds this.
I have no idea if it’s good or not, but it...