pine seed

  1. Aaron the Great

    Loblolly Pine

    Hello everyone, new to the forums here but so far it looks like the place to be. I'm really just getting started in bonsai. I have always been interested but I have never really jumped in as I was busy gardening and landscaping. Then I developed a pretty nasty health issue and I was forced to...
  2. Samuel Ross

    Samuel Ross's Black Pine Contest Thread

    I have ordered a quarter pound from FW Schumacher and 500 seeds from I will post pictures when they arrive.
  3. C

    Can I turn my pine into a proper bonsai?

    Hi everyone! I am a newbie that some years ago planted some pine seeds and read a book about bonsais :). I've been taking care of this pine (and 2 more) for these years. This one is a Pinus Pinea, the others are another Pinea and one Sylvestris. After reading this book and surfing internet, I've...
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