pine development

  1. B

    Nursery stock 4' Japanese Black Pine Yatsubusa pre bonsai development

    Hi everyone, new to the forum but have enjoyed following the conversations here for some time! I picked up a couple JBP 'yatsubusa' about 4' in 10 g pots from one of my local nurseries, for those local to BC, I think they might be from Pacific Northwest Propagators (at least the tag looks like...
  2. M

    Update on my mugo pine

    Hi to all, a bit of update on my mugo pine that I bought this winter. Here is a link to my firs post. Thread 'Mugo pine' So all I have done for now I just cut the candles as suggested to 6 pairs of needles. It can’t really see very much back...
  3. shohin_branches

    shohin_branches' limber pine bunjin

    June 24th 2022 Todd Schlafer Workshop MABA 202two Limber pine had been collected three years earlier and put into solid pumice. How it started Partway through the workshop. I normally work with smaller material so wiring this was interesting. At the end. Wasn't fully happy with it but...
  4. H

    JBP next steps?

    I recently acquired this 2-needle pine (which I believe is a JBP kotobuki - I could be mistaken. The seller had no idea of the species). It was balled and burlapped and basically left to die and so has essentially been neglected for several months now. Once I acquired it I slip potted it - root...
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