
  1. Goodbrake

    Endemic Tree Picture Thread

    Natives are cool, so let's kick it up a notch. Let's do a picture thread of species and cultivars endemic (i.e. occurring exclusively in) your region. I'll start with the Blanco crabapple (Malus ioensis var. texana) that I picked up today, endemic to the hill country surrounding the Blanco river.
  2. Clicio

    Interesting things around your bonsai garden

    This is a new thread for you to post pictures of what's around your garden that is worth showing. This is NOT a thread to compete with the already ongoing thread 'Welcome visitors to the garden': I will start with some of...
  3. B


    Hello there fellow Bonsai enthusiasts! My name is Nathan and I'm new to the community. I've posted once already but figured I would give my background on bonsai and ask for some oponions/advice. I've been interested and studying Bonsai off and on now for about 15 years so I already understand...
  4. ConorDash

    Uploading Pics from PC

    Hello, This problem started a little while ago but never used to be an issue. Wondered if anyone else sees it. When uploading pics to a post, it says this: This isn't with every picture.. For example, uploading 6 right now, 3 work, 3 dont. The 3 that don't, are bigger in size than the...
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