
  1. zezima

    Bougainvillea Help - overwatering, fungus, or something else?

    I just picked up my first bougainvillea from a nursery about a month ago. It has been doing alright but has lost most of the bracts since I got it which I expected. I have added bougain to the top of the soil and have been trying to water it only when the pot feels light or the leaves start to...
  2. pavlina

    please help :DD

    soo, my bonsai trunk is really squishy and rotten i guess? i feel like it’s because of overwareting. one of the trunks even fell apart :( is there anything i could do to save it? the leaves and branches look okay but today i noticed few yellow leaves. other than that it looks healthy. i fear...
  3. R

    Ficus leaves turning brown

    Hi! I am pretty new to ficus bonsai (and to plants in general). It's leaves started turning brown, drying and falling off. The first pic is from 30 sept, the second one from 3rd oct and the last one from today (so you can see the evolution). I water it once a week until the soil is hydrated and...
  4. J

    Portulacaria afra - Trunk base has different texture + white fuzz

    Hello! I've gotten this bonsai tree a few months ago as a gift so I am still new at taking care of it. I am a little concerned about 2 things and I would appreciate your help/advice on them! First Problem: I've noticed that the base of the trunk looks a lot more flaky/shriveled up compared to...
  5. hiddengreenhouse

    Need Help Saving My Chinese Elm

    Hello, I am new to bonsai and was gifted a Chinese Elm back in May. I am living in the DC area and do not have anywhere outdoors to keep it, so it has been fully inside for the last 5 or so months. For the first 4+ months I kept it in a window that got moderate sunlight with a growth light on...
  6. Apex37

    Needle Cast? Overwatering?

    I have this JRP that has been doing well up until about a few weeks ago and the yellowing has gotten worse. It seems mostly on newer needles, but there’s a few older needles here and there that are browning and I’m trying to determine if it’s getting watered too much or if it’s needle cast or...
  7. F

    Care of Dawn Redwood Bonsai on summer. Help please.

    Greetings. I recently acquired a forest of 5 Dawn Redwood Bonsai which arrived to my home full of life as you can see in the first picture. I decided to put it outside the window and water it once per day. I live in an island in Spain with a humidity of 50-70% and temperatures between 30 and 34...
  8. RhyleeRebecca

    White mold? Mineral deposits?

    Hello all, I’m a newbie (2 yrs ish) and my juniper has developed this bumpy looking white / tan stuff on the visible roots / lower trunk, this is my first encounter with any health issues in a tree so I’m wondering - does it look like white mold? Mineral deposits? (See photos attached) Any...
  9. Bad_Bonsai

    Regarding mid summer (emergency) repot.

    Hello, I've a problem with this spruce tree pictured herein, this photo is from a few weeks ago for a series I'm doing—I don't have any good brighter ones at the moment, apologies. What's pertinent here is the soil, today I cleaned up the base a bit—sap, gunk, moss, etc. I noticed that water...
  10. B


    I’ve never had an issue with this Brazilian Raintree I’ve had it for about a year and just recently I have started to water with a pan underneath it which was not allowing the water to drain completely for up to a day at a time then the tree started to not open sleeps all the way in the daytime...
  11. JamesBondsai

    1yr old Pinus Mugo Pumilio - Help!

    Please help ☺️ Hello all, I'm very new to the world of Bonsai and have been growing a Pinus Mugo Pumilio from the seed. I've got a 1yr old seedling and I'm looking for guidance. (I'm located in Southern England, for seasonal reference). I planted it towards the end of Autumn 2020 and simulated...
  12. Scrogdor

    Starter Trident Maple not looking so good: Help!!!

    How's it going everyone, I'm new to bonsai and having some trouble with my first one :(. I picked up a starter trident maple that came in a tiny tiny plastic pot about two weeks ago. I repotted it, teased the roots out gently, filled with bonsai soil and put it on my balcony which receives 6-8...
  13. S

    New Scots Pine has needles browning... need help pls

    Dear bonsai experts, I request some help! I bought this new Scots Pine bonsai from a seller in Chino, CA (Southern Cal) a few weeks ago as a gift to a dear friend who lives in San Francisco. Unfortunately, they kept the pine indoors (gasp!) for 2 weeks after receiving it (despite clear...
  14. C

    Ficus Microcarpa help

    I currently have two ficus microcarpa. The first is tiny and I've had it since the fall. It seems to love my apartment conditions so I made a much larger investment on a second one. The new one is about 25" tall out of the pot, so something fairly large that I desperately want to keep alive...
  15. D

    Help! Overwatered maple?

    I recently got an unwanted Japanese maple from a garden. I dug it up before the buds started swelling in spring. I heavily pruned and washed the roots. I potted it up in a holed basket (with lots of drainage holes on the bottom too) in pure attapulgite (cat litter). I placed lots of sphagnum...
  16. Ujjawal Roy

    To water or not to water....?

    Hi everyone on this site. Needed your help with watering my plants. My soil composition is crushed clay pots + perlite and some amount of organic additives. Watering a plants (pre bonsai) depends on numerous factors and I understand that very well but I want to know what is that one thing that...
  17. Ujjawal Roy

    Science behind root rot

    Hello everyone. I am unable to understand the science behind rotting roots, from what I understand it's usually that the roots die because of too much water (i. e. Lack of oxygen) and then fungal pathogens corrode away that root and it can spread into the healthier sections as well. I stay in a...
  18. apizzimenti

    Chinese Elm Overwatering Accident

    Hello all – I am in need of some specific advice. A bit of backstory: I have had a chinese elm bonsai for about six months. It was ~5 years old when I received it (as a gift), although I am experienced in indoor gardening, have done my homework on the chinese elm, and have cared for other...
  19. Clicio

    Fretting about overwatering - a myth nowadays

    If one doesn't use those "humidity trays" to keep the bottom of the pot underwater full time, if one has the drainage holes unclogged, if one uses a good modern fast draining mix as a substrate... Then there are no such things as overwatering and root rot. In my modest experience, even using...
  20. F

    Roots Through Drainage Holes

    Hey everybody, I've had my bonsais a bit under a year (started from seeds) and am seeing my Ficus and Jacaranda growing roots through their drainage holes. Originally, I was under the impression that water that drains should be left in these trays to help with humidity, especially since they...
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