I came across this Northern Red Oak in a neighbor's yard, It's between 8 and 10 feet tall, the main trunk is approx. 4 inches in dia. and the second trunk is about 1.5 inches. These are joined as the photo shows and this part is mostly punky and rotten. I'm wondering if... or thinking rather...
This oak is about 1-2 years old now. It was collected last summer by my partner as a gift to celebrate the start of our relationship so the tree has a lot of meaning to me. My grandpa watered it but watered the leaves too and they all burnt off. I’m keeping it in the shade and cut the dead...
This black oak - I think it's a black oak... the leaves seem to have pointy ends and do not look like the white oak immature leaves at all - was growing along the fence line in my yard. I liked the shape of the trunk with the small kink in it and felt it would be a nice tree to work on. It had...