native contest

  1. rollwithak

    5 Yr Native Tree/Native Pot Challenge - RollwithaK’s seed grown Jeffrey Pine vs. acorn grown Blue Oak

    Ok, so like I said, late to the party but super stoked to be here. Had a lot of ideas but decided to go down to these two trees. Figured eventually one of the two will become my favorite and be my contest entry, but will be documenting both for the time being. Baby Jeffrey Bridges AKA The...
  2. Aaron the Great

    2021 Five Year Native Tree Challenge Aaron S. Loblolly Pine

    Species: Loblolly Pine: Pinus Taeda Height: 98-115 feet (30-35 meters) Habitat: The native range of loblolly pine extends through 14 States from southern New Jersey south to central Florida and west to eastern Texas. It includes the Atlantic Plain, the Piedmont Plateau, and the southern...
  3. Clorgan

    5 year native challenge - Field maple, Clorgan

    Entering this chunky one! Purchased a few months ago but so far unworked. I think it needs a miracle to make something presentable 😂 But anyway, here it is in all it's glory...
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