multi trunk

  1. Ja_De

    Sweetgum Info Wanted

    Hello all. Came upon this sweetgum tree walking through the neighborhood. 3.5 Heigh, Triple trunk, main trunk about 2.5 inch diameter. It's growing at the base of a mature maple and I wonder what the roots will be like. I've read late spring early summer is the best time to collect/...
  2. R

    Juniperus chinensis "Pyramidalis" multi-trunk beginning

    Hi folks, I did a bit of snipping at some nursery stock over the May bank holiday and thought Id come on here for a bit of advice. I'm still very much a novice, but I think there's a nice multi-trunk bonsai in here with a few years' work. The tip I found recently about clipping out the large...
  3. Clorgan

    Japanese elm... Me likey

    I reckon this one deserves its own thread, arrived today. I like it a lot 👌 One of the nicer pieces I have and great trunk positioning. Going down the multi trunk route. Thinking of reducing to the red line ish - get rid of that reverse taper. Undecided on grow bed or training pot yet.
  4. Maloghurst

    Clump heritage river birch?

    I’ve been looking at this for probably 2 years at a local nursery and contemplating its potential. I have thus far left it alone. It’s on clearance for about 70.00. I probably won’t buy it but curious if you all see a great opportunity or a waste of time, money and space. I did a quick virt on...
  5. E

    First Bonsai: Ficus with a Funky Trunk

    I was browsing a local plant store the other day when I saw this little guy in the back of the bonsai section. I fell in love with his funky style instantly and I knew I had to get him. The employee working there told me that this is a ficus bonsai, but I'm not sure specifically what kind. Is it...
  6. NateDav

    Beginning a fat multi-trunk yaupon holly

    Spring time is here and I was finally able to begin styling this very overgrown and extremely root bound material. I forgot to get pictures of the root work, but I can tell you it was the most intense work I've done in my 12 years of bonsai. The surface was 2 inches of plant debris and muck and...
  7. 20180617_125852.jpg


    The Four Brothers Hornbeam
  8. Saddler

    Multi trunk Yew B

    I bought this yew last fall with dozens of other trees. $20 I think. I started bare rooting it at 3:00 today and my wife was a little pissed that I didn't look close to being finished at six. I was supposed to make dinner. This was a mildly root bound tree. It was slow going, rake the roots...
  9. Saddler

    Multi trunk Yew B

    I bought this yew last fall with dozens of other trees. $20 I think. I started bare rooting it at 3:00 today and my wife was a little pissed that I didn't look close to being finished at six. I was supposed to make dinner. This was a mildly root bound tree. It was slow going, rake the roots...
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