korean hornbeam

  1. B

    Protocol for germinating Korean Hornbeam seeds?

    Hello, I recently purchased some Korean Hornbeam (Carpinus turczaninovii) seeds and was wondering if anyone here has successfully germinated them. The instructions say to scarify first: is this with the same hot water soak used for Trident Maple and Japanese Black Pine seeds for 24 hours to...
  2. arjun

    My display at The Winter Silhouette Bonsai Show 2023

    Koren Hornbeam (left), Button Fern (middle), Japanese White Pine over rock (right)
  3. pstaboche

    What tree is this? Korean hornbeam?

    I recently purchased a tree which I believed to be a Korean hornbeam, but was told by someone that is not the case. Can anyone help with identifying this thing?
  4. E

    Lost as to what is wrong with my Hornbeam

    I’m still struggling to figure out what’s wrong with my American Hornbeam. A ton of leaves have these black spots showing up on them. I suspected fungus so I removed all the leaves with spots and sprayed with fungicide some weeks ago, but that didn’t seem to have any effect on the tree. Overall...
  5. E

    Is this sunburn on my Hornbeam?

    I’m wondering if anyone has the answer to this. I’ve noticed some new growth on my Hornbeam has started to develop this brown edges to them. The edges while brown, are not crispy or dry when they first develop. My tree is kept in the shade for as long as possible throughout the day, but gets...
  6. E

    Help! Worried my hornbeam has a fungal infection.

    I’ve started to notice these black spots, burnt edges, and holes developing in some of my hornbeam leaves. At first I thought it was sunburn but after hearing many people discuss how their hornbeams can tolerate full sun I am starting to think it’s a fungal infection. The tree does seem semi...
  7. ScottNYC

    Can it be salvaged?

    Hello, I Have a Korean hornbeam, I suspect the roots have dried out, was neglected over the winter, not watered regularly. I repotted the tree and am seeing some spring growth, some leaves have budded sporadically through-out the tree. Does that mean the tree is still alive or able to be...
  8. A

    Korean Hornbeam Sun Damage or Underwatering?

    Yesterday I noticed the leaves on my Korean Hornbeam having crinkled up a bit. I have not been protecting it from the sun and it gets full sun from midday to the evening. It was relatively hot yesterday for San Francisco, but still only 72 F at the hottest. I am putting together a shade and wind...
  9. Rivian

    [EU/Germany] Korean hornbeam - Carpinus turczaninowii var. coreana

    I would like to buy for <100 EURO one or multiple Korean hornbeams 😎
  10. Orion_metalhead

    Carpinus Turczaninowii (Korean Hornbeam) #1

    This was given to me by a generous local acquaintance, same individual who gave me my more advanced pines, seiju elm, and trident maple. Age: unknown... probably about 6 yrs Training: previous owner trained. In my care a couple months Width: .40/.26 Height: 31"/15"
  11. Ryan H

    Looking for Korean Hornbeams

    Hi all, I have a few Korean Hornbeams and am looking for more that have decent starts. Price range is ideally on the lower end ~$100. If anybody is looking to get rid of one or a few let me know :D
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