jbp from seed

  1. Aaron the Great

    JBP Seed Prep

    I have some seeds for Japanese Black Pine. I got them early so that I can prep them for winter using the best suggestions found here in the Bonsai Nut House. From what my little feeble mind can come up with, you pop them in the fridge next to the southern sweet tea (Ok don't hate on me, its...
  2. S

    Purple/Reddish needles on Japanese Black Pines

    Hi everybody, I am pretty new to Bonsai and i have these JBP seedlings that i have for about 3-5 months, some of the needles are starting to become a little purple/red on some of the needles. Not really sure what could be the cause of this, could this be a watering issue? They get about 6-8...
  3. JeffS73

    2018 6 year JBP - next 5 years?

    After seeing the 6 year JBP from seed contest end, I immediately thought, "OK, I've learnt a lot, I can do better, let's go again!". But now I can't help wondering, how many people had trees in the game but didn't quite "Get there". I for one haven't even done a first proper trunk chop, and I...
  4. B

    greetings from the equator

    Hi, this is my first post in this forum since joined this forum in 2019 location: Bandung, West Java, Indonesia Found this forum by accident on google when I was searching for some information about sowing JBP seeds back in October 2019. Not knowing there’s a 6 years JBP contest, I was 20...
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