giant sequoia

  1. A

    Help me figure out what's wrong with my potted Giant Sequoia

    Hello, I have a Giant Sequoia that is about 3 years old that I have grown from a seedling. I've noticed that over the last few months I have seen some browning in small areas and a bit on the tips and new buds. Also it is now putting out quite a few suckers. Some context- Soil: A few months...
  2. finnisferal

    bonsai-ing experiment

    i'm new to bonsai trees and i just bought a bunch of random seeds to try and grow. i will list them below and hopefully someone will have some advice for how to bonsai them. i'm aware that some or all of these trees may be difficult to bonsai or might not survive at all. i just want to learn...
  3. Carapace

    Lads, any Giant Sequoia tips????

    So I bought 3 little giant sequoia, two of which I will be planting in the garden and 1 that I will try to make into a bonsai. I was wondering if you got any tips on care and pruning them? Thanks.
  4. PowerTap

    Pruning early pre-bonsai

    I have started these three trees from plug seedlings (yes I know this is the slow way, I have some larger things too). I'm aiming for some shohin sized trees eventually. This is the end of my first summer with them and they have grown a lot! Which is great, but I'm not sure how much to prune at...
  5. S

    Giant Sequoia - Repot/Care/Advice

    Hey There, Looking for a little advice w/ this Giant Sequoia I've had since November 2021. Couple of questions: Prior to re-potting (tree was in compost/soil from Coastal Maine Bar Harbor Blend, this soil would not dry out for weeks at a time if not entire months after watering), during the...
  6. BenBSeattle

    My Battle to repot with a Giant Sequoia Nursery Stock

    I Found this Sequoia Giganteum (Sequoiadendron giganteum ) at a local Nursery here in Washington State. The staff person told me it was brought in by a customer and needed a new pot desperately. The battle that ensued to get it into a Bonsai Pot nearly broke me. =) The lower bottom of the...
  7. Syedabrar

    Giant sequoia pruning

    I need some advice, as I am new to bonsai, I got this giant sequoia from a nursery online, I live in east coast, I want to create a bonsai out of it. I understand it will be years before it becomes a bonsai. But I want to start the wait in a good direction. Attached are the images. should I chop...
  8. Emanon

    Seeking Inspiration: Styles (plural) of a Giant Sequoia?

    Hi! I was hoping to get some advice on where to cut a trunk (or how to style a tree) and overcome an initial, ugly, cut that I made before I had even the slightest idea what I was doing. (Just to clarify: I still don't have the slightest idea :)...) The tree is a giant sequoia or...
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