from seed

  1. tranip

    Brown Needle tips on Austrian Pine Seedlings

    Hello all! I've been growing a few Austrian pines from seed inspired by the JBP contest. I've noticed a few of these seedlings have browning tips, some with resin on the browning tips. Any idea what this could be? From what I've seen online it seems like needle blight, but a second opinion...
  2. L

    Lorax7 Coastal Redwood #3 progression

    Started from high elevation collected seed obtained from Sheffield’s in 2022. Trimmed it and wired up a new leader today. Before: After:
  3. L

    Lorax7 Coastal Redwood #2 progression

    Started from seed in spring 2022 with seed from Sheffield’s. The seed was collected from a grove at high elevation, so it’s supposed to be more cold hardy than typical coastal redwoods. Trimmed it and wired up a new leader today. Placed it in partial shade for the recovery afterward. Before...
  4. Kievnstavick

    Albizia saman (Samanea Saman)

    This is a master thread for all of my Albizia Samans aka monkeypod tree or raintree. The point of this master thread is to have a place for all 14 of my A. samans posted (and links to their induvial threads in the future) as I didn't want to flood the forums with individual posts that are not...
  5. BonsaiNaga13

    Chinese red pine from seed

    Last year i ordered some Japanese red pine and Japanese black pine seeds and decided to order some Chinese red pine seeds also since they were only $1 for a pack of 25. I planted them last year in old strawberry containers with just sifted fines from my bonsai soil and fertilized maybe twice...
  6. BonsaiNaga13

    My first trident from seed

    I bought a pack of 25 trident maple seeds last autumn, after stratification only 4 sprouted but of those 4 only 1 survived. It recently grew enough to write it so I gave my first attempt at wiring
  7. L

    Transplant question on Cypress

    I’ve got these Monterey Cypress (Cupressus macrocarpa) I’ve grown from seed in a south-facing window. They are getting a little stretchy. When I transplant them come spring, can I bury the stems up to the foliage and expect new root growth? They seem like they are young and tender enough to...
  8. don b

    Don B's Pines 2018

    2018 HERE WE COME!! JBPs from seed coming soon!!
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