corkbark elm

  1. Clicio

    Air layering Corkbark Elm suggestions.

    This Corkbark Elm is too tall and straight, so I have been wondering what to do. 1- chop it down. 2 - air layer it. 3 - making it a weeping elm. My preference is to air layer it (on the green line), and after cutting the layer chop it down to the first branchlet (blue line). But... Suggestions...
  2. Hartinez

    Ulmus Parvifolia ‘corticosa’

    Picked this tree up August 2020 from Evergreen gardenworks as a bday present to….myself. I also purchased a seijen and a Yatsubusa. My aggressive repot killed the seijen, but the Yatsubusa and this Corricosa are in great health and progressing right along. In spring 2021 The Yatsubusa I cut...
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