
  1. kbonsai8

    Yamadori Spring Natives Contest **idea**

    Since people love hunting yamadori in springtime, either in their backyard or somewhere nearby where they live (I know yamadori's come from the mountains ;)). I was thinking about a contest that shines a light on native trees throughout the world/in your area. I hope this is not too bold of a...
  2. Kievnstavick

    Kievnstavick - Celtis occidentalis North America #1

    Hello all who's curiosity got the best of them and stepped into the Celtis Contest zone. Although titled for a specific species, I have aquired from Sheffields seeds a select variety of Celtis that caught my eye (and were also available to purchase from my trusted source). I have approximately...
  3. D

    Dutch bonsai chef 2023-2026 little christmas tree entry

    Don’t know if it’s still allowed to participate or if my tree’s are even eligible but I just saw this contest and thought heck let’s try. Bought these trees last january from a garden center as practice trees for a hefty discount. 2 for €5 for the smaller ones and €5 for the “bigger” one. They...
  4. stubmle

    Stubmle's Vance Wood Memorial Mugo Contest Entry #3

    Found another mugo & couldn't resist. The tag lists it as Pinus mugo "Pumilio." This was about $50 at the local orange big-box store. Last one left, which I took as a sign I should grab it. Since acquiring it I've cut down the top of the nursery pot, brushed off loose soil, and removed dead...
  5. stubmle

    Stubmle's Vance Wood Memorial Mugo Contest Entry #2

    This is my second entry in the Vance Wood Memorial Mugo Contest. I got this on May 21 this year from a nearby big box hardware store (the blue one). I do not know what variety it is as the tag was missing, so I am going to assume it is a regular Pinus mugo until proven otherwise. Selecting this...
  6. stubmle

    Stubmle's Vance Wood Memorial Mugo Contest Entry #1

    This is my first entry in the Vance Wood Memorial Mugo contest. It is a small Pinus mugo 'Slowmound' dwarf cultivar grown by Iseli. I picked it up at a nearby nursery on May 19 this year for about $20. In the time since I have done nothing with it except water it, feed it, and remove some dead...
  7. czaczaja

    Czaczaja's 2023-2026 Little Christmas Tree Entry

    Went over to a couple of hardware stores at lunch to do my final sale hunt. Got 5 trees (Pinus sylvestris?) and settled on the one below. I see some people submitting a couple of trees and deciding to pick the winner later? Can you confirm if that's ok @Eckhoffw ? I was planning on doing some...
  8. Apex37

    Apex37’s Acorn to Oak Tree Thread

    Finally got around to finishing up collecting and potting up my acorns. Probably have about 100-150 total…which is way too many for my tiny garden, but 🤷‍♂️. So far I have: Texas Live Oak (Quercus fusiformis) Southern Live Oak (Quercus virginiana) Overcup Oak (Quercus lyrata) Shumard Oak...
  9. Gabler

    Acorn to Oak Tree Contest Entries

    Post your entries in this thread (i.e. pictures of your acorns to signify that you're officially joining the contest). Start with any number of acorns. Spend five years developing them as pre-bonsai. After five years, narrow it down to three trees. After ten years, in December of 2033, Select...
  10. James W.

    2023-2026 ROR Contest rules

    1) To start immediately and end December 1, 2026 (4 years). No closing date for accepting entries. 2) Entries should be from the families Moraceae and/or Rosaceae. 3) 'Rock' may be anything as long as the roots are displayed growing over, around and/or through it. 4) Number of entries per person...
  11. Bonsai Nut

    2022 Fall Haiku Contest - now until November 30!

    In celebration of the changing of the seasons, we're going to have a fun contest! The rules are simple: all you have to do is post to this thread with your best Fall Haiku. The winner will be chosen at random from entries in this thread. The "quality" of your haiku will not be judged :)...
  12. palafr01

    Conifer Division: Palafr01's Dawn Redwoods (2021 shohin contest)

    While perusing the Bnut website one night, I stumbled upon the 2021 shohin contest thread and became so inspired by all the different contest entries that I decided to have a go at it myself. Coincidentally I had happened to have started some dawn redwoods from seed last year from cones that I...
  13. LeoMame

    Broadleaf division - Leo's Prunus Mume 'albaplena'

    Hi all, I'd love to sign up for the contest with this cutting of Prunus Mume. I purchsed it for 7.99 Euros few months ago (possibly May?). It's just been potted from a plastic container into this clay one, hasn't received any style whatsoever, yet.
  14. ConorDash

    Proposal: CE Mallsai / Cheap as chips Contest

    Purpose of this thread is simply to see if anyone is interested. I'm not one for contests, and I've never taken part in one but me and Bobby were talking and its clear that good things can be done with very cheap basic material, for some length of time. Also I am sure that a contest has been...
  15. Clicio

    Showing off - not trees, but big egos

    In a traditional bonsai show at the Botanical Garden in Sao Paulo there is this annual contest. 10 to 12 bonsai stylists are given very similar trees, Junipers or pines, to evaluate, chop, prune, wire and repot in 3 hours. Then the judges choose the best work overall and an award is given. Well...
  16. defra

    Mame contest end of part two

    Mame contest part two: prepare the tree and get it in the mame sized pot. 1 year and 3 months (20-08-2017 -- 20-11-2018) ---------------------------- This thread is to post updates on all contending mame tree's to prove that the tree's realy are in their mame pots that fit withiin the pot...
  17. dirk hoorelbeke

    Dirk Hoorelbeke 6y JBP entry

    Ordered seeds from "Les Semences du Puy" just like in 2015. Order Date: November 20, 2017 3 times 5g for me (+-840 seeds) 2 times 5g for Defra (+-560 seeds). We will meet at Noelanders in februari.
  18. parhamr

    parhamr contest entry thread

    Please keep posts in this thread to a minimum so it’s concise and clear. Purchase 1: “2,000 Pinus Thunbergii Seeds (Pinus Thunbergiana, Japanese Black Pine Seeds) 2000 Pinus Thunbergii B28 SAC” from (2017-11-03) I’ve never purchased from this vendor before...
  19. defra

    Winter games entry thread

    Winter games 2017 anyone can join ! This contest is all about improveing a tree or create something completely new and get the best results, share the progression on why and how where we all are able to learn from! Another excuse to buy something But most of all having fun! this contest...
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