Hello all. I was recently gifted a Japanese white pine bonsai. It is a pretty mature tree. Pictures of it are attached.
I live in Washington DC (zone 7a), and we are supposed to be getting some very cold weather early next week. Lows in the single digits down to 3°F, and highs not reaching...
Hi all, new to bonsai and hoping for some help. I live in Denver, CO (recently moved here, so this will be my first fall/winter here), and am wondering if I can plant some seeds now and if they will survive the colder weather. I know they are supposed to be kept outside, but I am curious if they...
In November last year I was gifted a Serissa - while the tree is beautiful and I have been casually interested in bonsai as an art form, it is my first ever tree (and one I never would have gotten myself). It is extremely temperamental, the first month or so in my care it acclimatised well and...
New to Bonsai and trying to come up with a good alternative to Akadama as it is expensive to get it here in my Nordic country. I have also heard it breaks down really fast in the cold weather.
I am currently growing conifers and have read that a 1:1:1 soil mix of Pumice, Lava Rock and Akadama...
Hey Y'all,
A couple of days ago, the sun was out, the birds were singing, so I thought it would be a good idea to water my "Tiger Bark" (we think) ficus outside. Mind you, it was about 52F, and I had remembered reading somewhere about "above 50F" (oops. should have researched more) was safe for...