christmas tree

  1. Wulfskaar

    Wulfskaar's Dwarf Alberta Spruce

    I got this DAS in Dec 2024. Hoping to make it into a formal upright. Pruned off a few low branches, but left as many as I could. No hurry on that. It will probably get repotted in spring 2026. The soil is currently well draining. Wiring... Not great in parts. Ended up crossing wires in a...
  2. TGBentsze

    Blue Spruce - Christmas tree to Bonsai

    Hi guy, happy holidays! Recently I have bought my chritmas tree, and its a blue spruce. I was wondering if I could make a bonsai out of it. I have seen Bonsai Empires video ( ), do you guys have any tips or trick? Mainly for the period when it is indoors, and til early spring, I would love to...
  3. M

    mwh’s 2023-2026 little Christmas tree entry

    A little late to the game, but I managed to find a few flats of Dwarf Alberta Spruce with Christmas tags hidden in the back of the local nursery. Nothing at Home Depot etc. These were clearly leftovers from Christmas. I picked up three. The trunks are nothing to write home about, but they were...
  4. Carapace

    Documentation of Abies nordmanniana sold as a christmas tree

    This nordman fir will be grown on a two balconies (N facing & S facing) in Bucharest. Photos will be posted tomorrow
  5. pandacular

    panda’s 23-26 little Christmas tree entry

    Picea glauca ‘Conica’ - dwarf Alberta spruce We had already decided to get a living tree that would be maintained along with my other trees before this contest, but I may as well make an entry for this one. I think it will be an interesting tree to design, as my idea of a Christmas tree is...
  6. SlayingCondors

    Serbian Spruce (Picea Omorika) Christmas Tree

    I found a (hopefully) living Christmas tree abandoned on the street the other day. It was a Serbian spruce (picea omorika), originally sold for just £10 in a local supermarket. Inspired by Corin at Greenwood Bonsai, I decided prune it, wire the primary branches and pot it up. I know the wire...
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