
  1. R

    New Buxus Project

    Hi everyone, I recently spotted this outside Asda at the low price of £3.84. I decided I had to take the gamble (and have since been made to pay for it by She Who Must Be Obeyed - aka. the loving, patient and long-suffering woman who has put up with far too many potted trees - by getting rid of...
  2. G

    My First Buxus/Boxwood initial styling

    As a beginner, I keep trying to find some trees that have potential to be a bonsai frpm nursery stocks. Some days ago I found a boxwood (I assume it's a buxus sempervirens) and today I applied it's initial style. I'm planning to change the pot at the beginning of the spring and apply some angle...
  3. TestedPuddle

    Boxwood trunk dilemma

    Hey everybody, I’ve been a long time lurker but for some reason never decided to make an account. But I’d like to get some different ideas on what to do about the trunk on this boxwood that I acquired not too long ago (see photos). as you’ll find, it’s got two nice thick trunks that split about...
  4. Sn0W

    A Box Full Of Roots

    I picked up 3 boxwoods from a nursery a couple of weeks back. They'd been left exposed to the elements on top of a hill out in a field for god knows how long and had suffered some severe die back and yellowing of foliage. They weren't priced and were sitting next to some healthy looking boxes...
  5. Ryan H

    Kingsville boxwood leaf speckle

    Hi all, Recently got this on an online purchase. Tree seems healthy but arrived with tiny speckles on the leaves.. is this due to fungus?? Not familiar with this issue new growth starts without it but as leaves darken speckles become visible. Thoughts? Thx
  6. Saddler

    A Blue Bill Buxus Built To Be a Broom

    I picked up this boxwood as a tester in early April to see how they respond to a heavy hand as it was pretty mangy and lethargic looking. In the first picture I already had the tree for about a month and fertilized it heavily. It sprang back from more yellow then green to what you see. I had...
  7. aframe

    JAPANESE BOXWOOD - 45 min birthday gift

    $2.50 last minute bday gift.
  8. ColinFraser

    Boxwood - Live Oak Style

    I recently brought home a new project from California Bonsai Studio - a prebonsai boxwood. Here it is cramming into my hatchback: And at home with my coffee mug for scale:
  9. Picture_023


    really hard to bend with wire.after 5 months ,this is the best I could do right now
  10. Kingsville boxwood on Rock

    Kingsville boxwood on Rock

    Feather rock hollowed, kingsville boxwood pruned for this rock, pot from bonsaimonk.
  11. Boxwood, exposed root,

    Boxwood, exposed root,

    This boxwood was bought at a nursery that had been abandoned for a while. This is the tree at the time of purchase.
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