brush cherry

  1. Trigobontree

    I think I’m Bonsaing wrong, but it feels so “right”

    Hello everyone! I know that one of the biggest beginner mistakes is over styling trees. So I haven’t styled too much yet, but from what I have done, I don’t think I’m doing it the “correct” way. But I’m ok with that. I’m trying to follow the rules, but for the most part I’m just trimming and...
  2. L

    Should I take the wire off newly bought brush cherry?

    Hi I got this today, After all I’ve read im very concerned for the health of the trunk as the wire looks like it’s been cutting in for a while. Should I get it off right away as careful as possible? After that anything else? Any help very much appreciated, I have emailed the nursery to ask...
  3. K

    Beginner needing help.

    Hello everyone, I’m kinda new to bonsai...well by new I mean I suck at keeping them alive. I’m trying to start over and I recently got a Brush Cherry. My question is, I obviously want to make it grow larger and was wondering if I should repot it into a larger pot or let it stay in this...
  4. N

    Tree branch chewed off, how to deal with stump left behind

    I had this tree outside and a bunny decided to snack on it. It took the lower most branch, which I had been growing out for several years. It was about 5 inches long and really helped give some balance to my tree. As you can see in the pictures a new branch has sprouted out from the stump...
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