
  1. veles616

    My second "victim"

    This is a small tree i found under my goat willow a few months ago i think it must be a beech or a hornbeam, it's the second tree i decided to try and make a bonsai. I'm trying to learn everything there is to learn but it's very difficult to get proper information and materials where I live, do...
  2. Clorgan

    Looking for pollard/broom inspiration for fuchsia

    So I went to town on this fuchsia today - it has a trunk! Sorry if you've seen this one on a few threads, but I'm giving it it's own. Had a good chat with @Leo in N E Illinois about styling - whether to go for a 'turtle back' (more conventional) approach or embrace the trunk. Yes there's...
  3. Gaston

    Evolution of elm broom. From Madrid

    Hello everyone, I will go publishing the evolution of this Chinese elm. It is the first broom I try to make so be patient please! I accept many tips. Thanks, Gastón 02/03/2019
  4. dirk hoorelbeke

    Zelkova serrata (2013-...)

    Not having a little broom in my collection is not an option and what is better than starting a zelkova for that matter. In 2013 i found a zelkova stick in the local bonsai nursery. I looked for straight trunk this time and this was as straight as i found that time. April 2013 Repotted and first...
  5. Saddler

    A Blue Bill Buxus Built To Be a Broom

    I picked up this boxwood as a tester in early April to see how they respond to a heavy hand as it was pretty mangy and lethargic looking. In the first picture I already had the tree for about a month and fertilized it heavily. It sprang back from more yellow then green to what you see. I had...
  6. markyscott

    Chuhin Broom Elm

    With spring growth in full swing in Houston, I'm in the busiest time of the year. Trees in development are fertilized heavily - solid fertilizer on top and liquid fertilizer every weekend. Trees are pushing huge growth - it seems like they change every time I look away for a minute. That...
  7. ColinFraser

    Chopped and ReChopped Olive

    I just potted up a little olive I bought from a landscape nursery, probably in late 2014, and I thought I'd share its evolution thus far - it's certainly been instructive for me. It was several feet tall, and I cut off all the long stuff so it could stand up in the car. One of the reasons I...
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