
  1. N

    Bald Cypress Branches and Leaves Drying

    I purchased a Bald Cypress Bonsai and received it in the mail about a week ago. Since then, the leaves and branches have been drying up, as you can see in the pictures. Does anyone have ideas about why this might be and how to correct it? I was thinking it was a lack of water, but I have been...
  2. J

    Choosing front/pruning branches on Crepe Myrtle

    Hello all, I have a crepe myrtle I'd like to make into a bonsai, and I am having trouble picking a front, and subsequently choosing what branches to prune. I apologize for the crowded photos; I don't have a great spot to take pictures. I am open to any suggestions. I know I need to repot to...
  3. J

    Removing embedded wire off non bonsai tree

    Hello all, Basically, last year, I decided to wire my 2 pear trees (bartlett and D'Anjou if it matters) as well as an arborvitae. I waited too long and now the wire is embedded. Even with my bonsai wire cutters, I will not be able to remove the wire without doing some moderate damage to the...
  4. Kodama

    Japanese Maple Chop Advice

    Hello BNuts! Got this Japanese Maple Ryusen from a nursery that will be getting repotted in spring. Hoping to get chop advice as I think some of the branches are way too thick. Should I chop all of the branches this spring and regrow all of them or do you see ones I should consider keeping...
  5. M

    New Sakuragata Satsuki, Need Some Help

    Hello friends, Today (May 20) I purchased a Sakuragata Satsuki azalea from Schley’s Bonsai nursery and I need help transforming it into something beautiful. I’m new to azalea bonsai. To begin, when is the best time to drastic prune this piece? Can I begin now (May)? Will duct seal work as...
  6. LeoMame

    JRP - Pinus Densiflora branch selection

    Hello Bonsai people, I came across this tiny Japanese Red Pine in a local bonsai nursery, and brought it home: it's tiny and it has some very interesting movement on the trunk, so I couldn't pass. Now the issue: I'm a bit stuck with branch selection, as the top of the tree has a cluster of 4...
  7. jordystokes

    Something black on the branches of my Acer palmatum viridis dissectum

    Didn't have time to take a picture this morning. Sorry. I will describe the best I can and add pictures later. Tree: Acer palmatum - viridis dissectum. Not a bonsai yet, in a large pot. Has leaf burn from the summer. Leaves are starting to turn to their fall color. As I can tell it is...
  8. Skrawl

    New, and need some help.

    Hi there, I've recently started my first bonsai project. I started with a small Sawara False Cypress that I picked up at a small shop outside of my hometown; I would say it's about a year old, but I'm no expert so that may not be true. I have successfully trimmed the roots and repotted the...
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