bottle brush

  1. Apex37

    Interesting Lowe's Finds

    Found a couple trees I have not worked on before, but thought they could make decent bonsai subjects. Ended up spending maybe $15 a piece on them. Anyway, first one is a dwarf burning bush and second is a dwarf bottlebrush. Any tips on care and working on either of these? I'll probably just...
  2. H

    Suggestions for a huge bottle brush tree

    I recently collected this tree from someone’s yard. It is huge, almost five feet tall from the ground up. I’m going to leave it for a while in the hope it survivors. Depending on where I get bud back, I’d like to either keep it the same height or cut off the top, as in the red line in the pic...
  3. M

    Green Bottlebrush (callistemon viridiflorus)

    Hello once again! Sorry if I am flooding the forums with questions. I'm new to Bonsai and everything is new and exciting! I picked up this shrub at a nursery, total impulse buy because I thought the bark was pretty and I enjoy the general look of the tree I was wondering if anyone has ever...
  4. ColinFraser

    A Wee BottleBrush (Callistemon) Stump

    I noticed that the new neighbors of a family member were re-landscaping their recently purchased home. For as long as I can remember, there has been a bottlebrush at the entrance to the driveway, usually under a large sphere of foliage and flowers as seen in this google street view from a few...
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