bonsai journal

  1. ForeverRaynning

    Complete newbie - growing from seed (UK, zone 9a)

    Hello everyone! So I’m completely new to this. Never had any real interest in bonsai before but my grandad gave me a bonsai growing kit he’d recieved the other year (he’s 90 and has an absolutely amazing green thumb with veg and flowers, but said he won’t get much use out of the kit at his...
  2. bonsguy

    Best Bonsai Magazine Subscription?

    I want to buy a bonsai magazine gift subscription for a friend and would like recommendations. I read in an old (2015) thread that the top magazines were: 1. International Bonsai Magazine 2. Bonsai Today 3. The Journal of the American Bonsai Society These all appear to be out of print now, or...
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