bonsai diseases

  1. Thatguy85

    Weird spot on trunk...

    Hi, I have a japanese maple, Little Princess, and it has a brown spot on it that formed quite rapidly, over the course of a week or so. I didn't work on it for over a year and I see nothing weird on the leaves. Doe anyone know what this might be? Thanks in advance!
  2. S

    Problems after repotting

    Hello Guys, My favorite cotoneaster bonsai seems to have a problem after repotting. I don't have any idea what can be causing the leaves tips to dry and dieback.(See the pictures) In 9 years I was Repotting it several times, take care of him as usual, no problems at all....until now. Please Let...
  3. claramsh

    Help! My Chinese Elm seems to have a disease and I don’t know how to treat it...

    I’ve purchased this Chinese Elm about a week ago, and I noticed some of the leaves had some black spots on it. I thought, okay, I need to cut them right away and I need to get a fungicide, but it took me a week to even try to find the best fungicide for my bonsai. I have found that emulsifying...
  4. P

    Juniperus Procumbens Nana Help Identifying an issue

    Hello all, I am having a slight issue with my juniper that I was hoping you kind people could help me get to the bottom of. The tree overall looks pretty healthy, nice color, new shoots, all good there. My problem is with the tips of some shoots and even some old growth. I'm aware of the...
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