
  1. Oboedatree

    Most common beginner mistakes

    Hey there! I'm wondering what the most common beginner mistakes are, haven't gotten my first tree yet but I plan to this coming spring. I know about the basic mistakes such as over watering as a quick example, but I can't seem to find some more common yet not to "picky" mistakes. Basically I...
  2. A

    Where to go with this tree - potential?

    Hello everyone, this is my first proper attempt at bonsai. I bought this Chinese elm as a bonsai starter and immediately planted in the ground with the intention to thicken the trunk. I am interested to know your thoughts as to the direction I should go with the tree. I am also concerned...
  3. S

    question for those with experience of air layering to grow surface roots question - what to do once the roots grow?

    Seeking guidance on an air layering question: I am a beginner and am trying to develop surface roots. I am going to try the ‘ring’ air layering technique (cutting a ring through the bark and growing roots into moss). My question is, what should I do with the new roots once they have grown...
  4. S

    Starting out

    Tell me what are the types of trees that are for beginners.
  5. G

    Giant Sequoia Cuttings?

    Hey Guys My Father in law owns a part of a Forest which i will take over one day. It's a coniferous forest and the 'highlights' are 2 young Giant Sequoias. Where i live, the forests have been suffering quite a lot from bark beetles in recent years sadly. We found out that Giant Sequoias are...
  6. G

    Trimming a young Pine?

    Hey Guys, i got a question about cutting back young Pines.. I am planing to grow a pine bonsai from seed and want it to have multiple trunks. My idea was cutting it back by like Half or 2/3 in the autum, so that it would cast out new candles close to the ground the following spring. The...
  7. JLee9706

    Over or under watering...?

    So I think one of the recent heat waves (113-117*) and smoke in the air (El Dorado Fire) had me over watering for a while. But now I can’t tell if I am i over watering or this is from previous under water from the sudden heat. This is happening to two of four of my junipers. One that is not...
  8. H

    What’s going on with my Chinese elm ??

    I purchased my first tree (an 8 year old Chinese elm) and it’s arrived with these kind of markings all over the trunk. Really new to this and I can’t find any answers online so I’m just wondering if anyone could tell me what this is/if I need to do anything. Thank you !!
  9. parhamr

    Can My Bonsai Tree Go Indoors? 2019-06-24

    This is an often asked question! I hope this flowchart will help you decide. Constructive feedback is welcomed—I’m not looking to start arguments. My goal is to make this as generally accurate and as broadly applicable to anybody facing this question. Please feel free to distribute and/or...
  10. Csmdad

    Very super absolute beginnings

    Hi all. So I'm super-super-super-new to bonsai. I mean when I say new, I mean the "I don't even own a bonsai tree" type of super-new to bonsai, but hear me out. For the past 2 months (well... all of Nov and now over half of Dec) I've been studying bonsai. (Not totally "pinterest-study"...
  11. Cosmos

    Portrait of Nigel Saunders in a Canadian magazine

    How I learned to Love Bonsai, in The Walrus. An enjoyable read. I am a sucker for good, subtle disses, and I appreciated this one:
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