
  1. S

    Chinese elm need help

    Hello I’m new to bonsai. 3 days ago I received a Chinese elm tree and I was a little disappointed because the leaves were very thin through out the tree and there is constant yellowing on the leaves, any advice on how to make this bonsai flourish? I put the Chinese elm by the window which only...
  2. J

    Progress Thread for my Shimpaku

    Having spent some more time on BonsaiNut - I've learned the preferred approach for requesting beginner advice is to consolidate a tree into a single thread. This will also be useful for me to keep track of previous work / thought processes. So here we are. Part 1: Purchase I wanted to invest...
  3. blauerds

    Guidance with this Ash and Ginkgo Biloba

    Hi! I was gifted this two beautiful trees and, since I’m still a beginner, I wanted some guidance as to what to do with them. The first one is an ash tree and the second one a ginkgo biloba. The ash tree is disproportionately long for a bonsai, I was wondering if it can survive a chopping. Also...
  4. cashew

    Cashew Pre-Bonsai - Need Help on What to Do Next!

    Hello all! I joined this forum because I am a total beginner and in desperate need of help. Two years ago I germinated some cashews trees from seed. Since then I've been just allowing them to grow and get stronger, but I'm starting to feel like I need to begin working on them. They look very...
  5. A

    Gifted a Bonzai kit.. questions about flame trees.

    Hello, I am new to Bonzai and my wife bought me a kit online. 4 different species, Black Spruce, Colorado Blue, Brazilian Rosewood, and an African Flame tree… everything seems to be going splendid, but I have a question about my flame tree. Since I planted 3 seeds, two sprouted and one has...
  6. B

    Trying to wrap my head around trunk thickening

    Hey guys, beginner here. I keep hearing that in order to thicken the trunk of a tree, you have to put it in the ground. What is keeping it from forming branches too high on the trunk as if it was growing normally? For example I see some 10-15 foot tall redwoods outside near my house, and...
  7. AlexoftheCastle

    Help ROR Ficus bring sexy back, guidance/input please.

    Inherited my dads ROR ficus approx. 11 y.o. with the tree left to grow freely. Fear of killing the tree its been Semi-neglected the last 4 years, it's been great practice learning trees habits, and basic bonsai techniques(Thank you bonsainut community!) The lack of balance and unruly growth is...
  8. Tntthunder

    Where can I learn bonsai design?

    I feel like I have finally gotten the basic "rules" down. Now I would really like to move into in-depth design stuff, the trees from Japanese artists or from those who studied there seem to have such an amazing balance, amazing proportions, they look so natural and beautiful. Is there anywhere...
  9. Lawrencek

    What would you do to this Chinese elm to make it better?

    So we've had this indoor Chinese elm young bonsai now for about 2ish years (idk the actual age of it I think it's like 7 years old) and repotted it about 4/5 months ago for first time. I like it but would like it to be more 'impressive' I don't want to necessarily make it bigger but I really...
  10. C

    Last years collected Lilac. Where to go from here?

    I collected this Lilac tree from my garden last year in March, all of the branches that you can see grew over the last Summer. What should my next steps be now?
  11. K

    American Larch #1

    Hey, Just documenting my first American larch (Tamarack) progression. Bought from the flower market in Michigan in November of 2021. Replanted from a pond basket this spring into a pot from a small potter out of Virginia. Attached photos are pre-trim and pre-repot. Goals for the tree: Get...
  12. K

    Japanese Maple cascade

    Hey all, Just making this thread to document the progression of my yard-adori red Japanese maple into a hopeful cascade. Collected from my parent's yard in March of 2021 and attached photos will show its original shape and styling. It was repotted and wired today into a tall terracotta cylinder...
  13. A

    Hello Everyone !

    I am Andres, I am a beginner in the need of help on getting in to the bonsai world, I have been watching videos and reading a lot, but I realized there are so many things I may need to ask. I hope to get your advice and hopefully not to get confused with the amount of information there may be...
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