
  1. RJG2

    Unknown Crab

    This one is getting promoted from my Threadless thread. Collected from the woods spring 2022. Collection post (chop, root cutback, etc): Update 1 (2022/07/12)...
  2. hemmy

    Small Apple from 2015

    Here’s a small Apple that was started from seed in 2015 by Tom Post, long time President and member of the Santa Barbara Bonsai Club (and professional artist). He unfortunately passed in 2018 and most of his trees were purchased by various club members. He was fond of bougainvillea and had...
  3. D

    Overwintering apple tree sapling indoors?

    Hello everybody, very new to this site and to Bonsai. I found a sprouting seed in an apple I was eating in May, and so I decided to give growing it out a go. I know I won’t really be getting proper apples from this plant because I’m growing it from seed, and that’s alright with me, I just...
  4. Sn0W

    Bramley Apple Clone 20

    I picked up this tree from Gumtree for a tenner. First I thought it would make some nice bonsai with a few air layers but I'm not so sure it's suitable. I wrote off the main trunk because of the huge scar I think may be a graft and also because it looks like someone's peeled the bark away from...
  5. camikins

    Tips to get crabapple to flower

    Hi - I've had a crabapple for a number of yrs (about 4 I think). It's happy and healthy, but has not flowered. Are there any particular pruning, or feeding tricks that I'm not doing right? I basically just feed once leaves are out, and repot every 2 to 3 yrs as needed, and try not to feed from...
  6. aml1014

    Apple tree collection

    Today I was talking with my mom about the plants in her back yard and I asked if I could take some airlayers from the Apple tree out back, she says " you can take the whole fuckin tree, I Haye it" and I tell her okay, I'll be there soon to pick it up lol. We are having what seems to be our last...
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