acacia bonsai

  1. M

    Is this normal? Vachellia tortillis

    I have been growing these for 4 months and now I moved them inside as it is getting in The low 5 degrees celsius at night they are in an ikea greenhouse with led lights from 9-10 am to 18-19pm . I read that They can get a shock is this what is happening The one with The most mature wood is...
  2. M

    What is the next step ?

    Hello, I started growing vachellia tortillis from seed, and have been succesful with 6/10 of them. I have them in a 5:1 ratio of Riversand/compost. When should I replant them, what soil mix is best and any other advice are welcome. They are around 4-10 days old. (The one in the garden mix was...
  3. Dorian Fourie

    Black Monkey Thorn Bonsai #4

    I recently received this Black monkey thorn (Senegalia burkei) from a friend who is emigrating to Australia. She can unfortunately not take it with them when they go so she entrusted it to me. According to the tag on the tree, it was started in 1995 making it 22 yrs old. Over the next...
  4. Angela

    Acacia Advice, Please?

    Hi there! So I'm not sure if there's a forum for this, so sorry if I'm messing this up ... This is my first ever bonsai. My parents got it for me. It's an Acacia, though I'm not sure what type -- it has thorns and the bark of the trunk has an almost feathery texture - it's soft and if you...
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