Dormant Season Spraying Part 1: Broadleaf Deciduous Trees

Dormant Season Spraying Part 1: Broadleaf Deciduous Trees

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Good article and one I highly recommend. A note about oil based treatments and sulphur. DO NOT ever use them close together as noted. Sulphur mixed with oil causes Phytotoxicity and will kill the growth it's been applied to. So do take that warning very seriously and make sure you have several weeks between using any oil based or sulphur product before you use the other so it's had time to weather away outdoors. In doors it can take months to fade away. I do use sulphur based treatments so as a rule I never use oil based treatments just to be sure I don't make a costly mistake in my timing of application.
Excellent explanation of the timing and types of dormant sprays. I'll try the techniques in this article and hopefully get ahead on fungus and pest issues this year.
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