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Bonsai Tonight Japanese Red & Black Pines Links 1.0

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Bonsai Tonight is probably one of the best resources out there on the care and training of Japanese black and red pines. It is usually one of the first references listed when someone has questions about pines. I decided, as much for myself as others, to compile a list of all the black and red pine articles. I also induced a couple others that are applicable. I have tried to organize the links as logically as possible. I'll try to keep this updated as Jonas adds more articles. If there are any bad links or I missed an article let me know. Enjoy.

The file text file I attached is the html version of this list. Simply save it to your computer then change the file extension from .txt to .html. You can then open it in internet explorer and use all the links.

A note to everyone who keeps thanking me for making this list, I do appreciate it but the real thanks goes to Jonas for writing the articles in the first place. Go over to Bonsai Tonight and give him your thanks.

Bonsai Tonight

What is decandling?
Why we decandle pine bonsai
Selecting trees for decandling
Preparing trees for decandling
When to decandle
Decandling black pine - making the cut
Techniques for controlling vigor
Making the cut - redux
Pulling pine needles
Putting it all together - approaches to decandling
Decandling - where to begin?
Decandling aftercare
Decandling a shohin black pine
And if I don’t make a square cut?

More Decandling
Sizing up candles
Summer ritual - decandling black pine
Decandling black pine - case study
Decandling basics - Japanese black pine
Decandling techniques
Decandling secrets revealed!
Why decandle?
Thinning Japanese black pine
Pine decandling
Decandling Japanese black pine
Decandling season arrives
A cutback-decandling technique
Decandling season isn't just for decandling
Young summer buds on black and red pine bonsai
Decandling projects
Pine cutback basics
Decandling and then some
Vigorous summer shoots
Decandling follow-up
Let summer buds grow
Decandling established black pines
Decandling pines in development
Decandling pines in early stages of development
Summer buds
Decandling – how late is too late?

Fall Decandling
Fall decandling
More fall decandling
Fall decandling - an update
Fall decandling - thinning new buds
Fall decandling - year two
Brushing branches

Repotting a Japanese black pine
How to repot a young Japanese black pine (1 of 2)
How to repot a young Japanese black pine (2 of 2)
Repotting a trident maple: removing the tree from the pot
Repotting a trident maple: preparing the pot
Repotting a trident maple: root-work
Repotting a trident maple: securing the tree in the pot
Repotting a trident maple: finishing touches
How to wire a bonsai pot

Growing Black and Red Pine From Seed
Pine cone technique
More pine cone technique
Pine seed prep
Planting pine seeds
How to create seedling cuttings - Japanese black pine
Pine seedlings
How to pot pine seedling-cuttings
Developing young pine bonsai
Repotting 1 year-old black pine seedlings
Wiring 3 year-old black pines
Developing young pines
One-and-a-half-year-old pine seedlings
Refining young pines
Refining a 10 year-old pine
Refining a black pine
A seedling-cutting with too many roots
Developing young pine bonsai
How to not make seedling-cuttings
Developing black pine – setting the first curves
Exposed root pines in progress

Red Pine Forest
Decandling a red pine forest
Decandling a red pine forest - part 2
Thinning a red pine forest
Decandling before and after - red pine forest
Omoshiroi red pine forest
Repotting a red pine forest
Decandling a red pine forest

Shohin Black Pine
Shohin black pine from scratch
How to decandle shohin black pine
Refining shohin black pine
Decandling shohin black pine
Decandling a shohin black pine
Where should the apex go?
Decandling a shohin black pine

Cork Bark Black Pine
Decandling cork bark Japanese black pine
Cork bark Japanese black pine - finding the front
Cleaning up a corkbark black pine
Refining a corkbark black pine
Refining cork bark black pine - decandling

From Landscape Tree to Bonsai
From landscape tree to bonsai
From landscape tree to bonsai - part 2
From landscape tree to bonsai - part 3

"Hand waving" Black Pine
Developing black pine
Decandling black pine - case study

Fertilizer technique
Bonsai fertilizer - follow-up
New bonsai fertilizer

Basic Bonsai Tools
Basic bonsai tool care

Trunk grafting - black pine
Treating a successful approach graft on black pine
Creating cork bark black pine
Creating cork bark black pine – follow-up
Encouraging grafted foliage

Bonsai soil
Drying bonsai soil
Finding the right soil mix

Pest of the week - scale
Pine needle scale
Pest of the week - aphid

Bonsai Tonight 1st
Summer Soji
Restoring a Japanese black pine bonsai
Of candles and cones
The easiest pine maintenance of the year
In praise of colanders
Of red pines and black pines

Updated 11/26/14
First release
Last update


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