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  • Noticed you are in Tucson as well, How are your trees holding up?
    Hey Brandon... It was a crazy February bringing the trees in and out of the garage at night was hoping to be done with it but it's looking like next week we're going to have another cold snap. Still bringing in the Bougainvillea till nights are in 60s.
    The rest of my trees are Elms which are pretty hearty in the cold but with the new buds don't want to take any chances . How about yours? That was a pretty good fine… LOL was it really in a boot?
    Brandon Gilbert
    Brandon Gilbert
    Yeah it was in an old hiking boot under I guess the parent plant. I am hoping that the manzanita will stay alive though. Right now I am experimenting with multiple plant to see how they go. After work I will get on my computer and type them out.
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